HERFUSE integration requirements will be concurrent and complementary to the aircraft-level ones set into the HERA project

HERFUSE methodology to conceive 2035 fuselage and empennages
HERFUSE Work plan
WP1 - Project Management and Coordination
Oversees HERFUSE, ensuring adherence to project administration requirements, and effective management of risk and finances for attaining the project's technical outcomes. Furthermore, coordinates the proper dissemination and exploitation of HERFUSE results, along with addressing impact monitoring and communication issues for the project.
WP2 - Requirements
Establishes the comprehensive set of global requirements guiding HERFUSE activities in executing the integration of HER propulsion, complementary systems, fuselage, and empennages, having as a reference point the current state-of-the-art.
WP3 - Conceptual Design
Provides the preliminary integration concepts for the fuselage and empennages on a global scale.
WP4 - Enabling Technologies
Incorporates HER components and architectures into a viable regional fuselage while overseeing specific new technologies. These technologies encompass the exploration of opportunities presented by innovative structural materials, composites, multifunctional elements, thermoplastics, and materials with thermal or electrical insulating properties.
WP5 - Preliminary Design
Defines a roadmap towards achieving Technology Readiness Level 5 (TRL5) for innovative structural and system integration enablers aimed at weight reduction.
WP6 - Component Testing
Evaluates the optimal trial configuration for selection in full-scale trials and validate enabling technologies through manufacturing trials.
WP7 - Stressed Design
Concludes the final down-selection based on the stressed design definition, considering input from the HERA project and test results at the medium scale/assembled level of the enabling technologies.
WP8 - Demonstrator & Testing
Conducts tests on the ultimate demonstrators and verify the results. Emphasis is placed on particular and carefully chosen elements with a significant influence on the design, manufacturing, and assembly of HER fuselage and empennages.
WP9 - Final assessment
Evaluates the ultimate HERFUSE activities in alignment with the expected outcomes of HER-01 and the objectives of HERFUSE.