CTA is a Spanish non-profit making entity specialized in testing for development and certification of aeronautical and aerospace materials, components and structures with a high R&D activity, including fundamental research, industrial research, experimental development and innovation in the aerospace sector and dissemination of the results (by teaching, publication or technology transfer). CTA has been approved by AIRBUS as preferred supplier for certification tests on big components, for AEROSTRUCTURES tests (DOA), and has as main customers AIRBUS, AERNNOVA, ALESTIS, DAHER, EMBRAER, COLLINS, ITP, SENER....

CTA has participated not only in a large number of R&DT project (regional, national and European projects) but also in the main new aircraft programs for Airbus, Embraer, Boeing, etc. for the realization of development and certification test for new components and structures (level test from level 2 to level 4). CTA have participated in 21 European Projects (V, VI, VII FP, H2020,..) and has been Core Partner in ITD AIRFRAME CLEAN SKY 2 in OUTCOME project (JTI-CS2-2014-CPW01-AIR-02-02).



Task 6.2-1 Structural Ground Testing for validating the structural welding solutions, CTA,

A test set up will be designed and manufactured in order to be adapted to a universal test machine or elemental test bench and a set of critical subcomponents where the welding solutions will be implemented will be tested.

The most demanding loads will be selected for each subcomponent and will be tested until failure.

Finally, NDT inspections will be performed before and after the tests at critical locations.

After the test completion, a test report will be issued recording procedures, documents and incidences occurred during the test campaign.